Enhance your health and lift your spirits through massage, yoga, and meditation




Reiki massage is a relaxing energetic healing treatment that holistically supports the body, mind and spirit. Reiki means “Universal Energy” and is a form of Healing Touch that is based on the belief that human beings are fields of energy that are in constant interaction with others and the environment. As a Reiki massage practitioner, I use the flow and movement of energy to support natural healing.

Ancient Ayurvedic practices recognize that a person is a complex and adaptive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual system. Energetic centers within our systems are often referred to as Chakras. In Sanskrit the term translates to “wheel” or “disk” and there are seven typically defined as spiritual energy centers within the human body. Stress and dis-ease within the body can be associated with imbalances and/or blocked energies. People often describe feeling off balance, stuck, or experience symptoms of pain or sensitivity.  A chakra balancing massage works by helping to diffuse energy throughout the body to unblock any chakras, leaving you feeling lighter, brighter and more relaxed.

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga comes from the ancient Sanskrit word meaning union. Yoga and Meditation practices unite the body, mind and spirit.

These practices incorporate breathing exercises, and asanas (or poses) that are designed to bring harmony and energetic alignment, while encouraging relaxation and reducing stress.

Practicing yoga has proven to come with many benefits for both mental and physical health including reducing symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety., and increasing strength and flexibility.

As a certified Yoga instructor my intention is to enhance health and healing by providing tailored practices that will support your health goals.

Health Coaching

A Health Coach is a partner that helps to guide and motivate lifestyle changes.  As a certified health coach, I will work with you to understand your personal health and wellness issues and challenges, and together we will create your personalized wellness plan to meet your unique needs. As your health coach, my role is to shine a light on your path to becoming your best self. We will take a holistic approach to develop strategies to overcome obstacles and transition to healthier habits.

 True health and wellness is about more than what you eat or how much you move your body (though these things are important too!). Health coaches help you explore not only what you want to accomplish but the “why” to identify any barriers and formulate a plan for how to work around them.